About Us
MARA Corporation at a Glance
Incorporated in 2014 and officially launched in 2016, MARA Corporation Sdn Bhd or better known as MARA Corp was established as an investment holding company owned by Majlis Amanah Rakyat (MARA) to centrally manage all MARA’s strategic and impact economy commercial entities.
MARA Corp aims to be a global leader in key sectors that shape Malaysian industries and socio-economic development by creating and developing investments in key sectors that would deliver scalable and sustainable financial returns for MARA and Bumiputera community. MARA subsidiaries have been instrumental in the development of the Bumiputera professional and industrial community since the launch of the New Economic Policy in 1970.
The formation of MARA Corp was timely in response to the global financial crisis and the need to maintain and improve corporate governance inter alia through the adaptation of the Ministry of Finance standards.
As an investment holding entity, MARA Corp is also envisaged to generate more returns and curb unnecessary business risk to MARA. The practice of good corporate governance and high professionalism and integrity practices within the Company and subsidiaries remains top priority in MARA Corp.
Currently there are 12 subsidiaries under MARA Corp which include Universiti Kuala Lumpur (UniKL), Kolej Poly-Tech MARA Sdn Bhd (KPTM), MARA Incorporated Sdn Bhd (MARA Inc), Pelaburan MARA Berhad (PMB), Glocal Link (M) Sdn Bhd (GLSB), Rural Capital Berhad (RCB), Harta Prima Realties Sdn Bhd (HPR), MARA Excellent Ventures Sdn Bhd (MEX), Asia AeroTechnic Sdn Bhd (AAT), MARA Liner Sdn Bhd (MLSB), MARA Aerospace and Technologies Sdn Bhd (M-Aero) and UNIMARA Sdn Bhd.
With the consolidation of these subsidiaries, from aerospace services provider AAT to more traditional transport player such as MARA Liner, financial services and fund managers like PMB and RCB, comprehensive and TVET education institutions such as UniKL and KPTM to property players MARA Inc and HPR, MARA Corp has what it takes to create a complete ecosystem to push economic development and uplift the wellbeing of the Malays and Bumiputera community, as it has been entrusted and mandated to do.

MARA Corp has been entrusted by the Majlis Amanah Rakyat (MARA) with the responsibility of managing and fostering sustainable business and social development value across all the investments, properties, and assets owned by MARA. Subsequently, MARA Corp is tasked with delivering the highest possible investment and financial returns to MARA, which will then be reinvested in education, entrepreneurship, and social development activities.
MARA Corp two main mandates entrusted by MARA are:
- Optimum investment and financial return to MARA from all its investments, properties and assets managed by MARA Corp and
- Support and compliment MARA socio-economic and entrepreneurship development initiatives towards nation’s building.

To be a leading and dynamic world-class corporation delivering sustainable value to all stakeholders.
- Committed to create sustainable business across all key strategic sectors of the nation.
- Strive to continuously deliver superior financial returns.
- Dedicated to maintaining high performance standards and operational excellence.
- To be a responsible corporate citizen, upholding good governance and high integrity, as partner to nation-building

Catalytic Industrial & Financial Growth
Catalytic Socioeconomic Impact
Social Impact

Contact us
MARA Corporation Sdn Bhd
201401042008 (1118172-M)
Level 20, Menara MARA,
232 Jalan Tuanku Abdul Rahman,
50100, Kuala Lumpur.
Tel : +6 03 2602 2240
Fax : +6 03 2602 2259
[email protected]